I go thru spurts of nightmares - Mostly it's the same 4 -6 nightmares every single time, or some variation of the theme... I don't get them all the time., but when I get them, the come in bunches and I know I'm good for many days of them.
It sort of helped to do some dream analysis on the symbols in t he nightmares, it might help get to the bottom of what's on your mind thatis causing the nightmares. As soon as you wake up- keep a notebook by your bed and turn on the light and write down everything you remember while you remember it.
Figuring them out might help...
One thing I have noticed that cuts down onthe severity is lavendar extract... I will put a few drops on a cloth under my pillow -- there's somethig about lavendar that is supposed to relieve tension and stress and help ensure a restful night sleep.. SOmetimes it works sometimes it doesnt.
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.