Originally Posted by superiorrain
With all due respect (as i don't want to be bitch slapped out of this place) this forum is based on peoples opinions, without our opinions we may as well give up. This place wouldn't be the interesting place that it is without them. As such i declear all peoples opinions as important, as long as they are written with the buzz word of this thread, RESPECT.
I do agree however slightly sad that someone would feel the need to cloke themselves, but whatever floats your boat.
I just want to clarify...we don't think that people's opinions have no worth. You are right - it is the sharing of opinions that make this place what it is. What Hal is amazed by, along with me and others, is how much MORE important some people think their opinions are than what they should. It is the frequent arrogance that accompanies the expression of opinion, not the opinion itself.