My response was sarcastic.. it wasn't intended to be patronizing...
However... For poverty to be eradicated, how do you define poverty? A person living in poverty in NYC, might be able to live pretty well with the same money in the less expensive areas. Cost of living varies greatly from one area of the US to another.
Then to take into consideration third world countries... the amount to live would even be lower.
Who determines what poverty actually is. Is the person who has enough to eat, a roof over their heads, their children being educated, and clothes on their back impoverished? In some places yes... some people might consider themselves living in poverty because their car is 15 years old or they can't take a family vacation.
But to answer the original question.. how would the world be if there was no poverty? One might believe that the world would be a better place... but the cynic in me says if all people in the world had what they needed to survive, there would still be people who think they needed more, and couldn't get it so they were being held back by some force preventing them from getting this. Even without poverty - that sense of entitlement won't go away, crime wouldn't goaway.. though the reasons for it might change (It would no longer be, I robbed the jewelry store to feed my family, it would become I robbed the jewelry store because I wanted to)
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.