ma'am bugs me because even at my advanced age, that is how i would address someone older than I am ...
One of the girls or one of the boys in a casual environment is completely different than in a corporate environment when being referred to as a girl... Sorry, that doesn't fly with me at all... Maybe it's my age, maybe it's because I've been working too long, but dammit, I have earned the title of woman, to me, it is disrespectful to be called a girl - I didn't earn the demotion.
Begin Rant...
For women in their late 20s or older to refer to themselves as girls is a disservice to them -- why not refer to yourselves as a woman - it's what you are- if you don't respect yourself enough to think of yourself that way.. no one else is going to...
Free your heart from hatred. Free your mind from worries. Live simply. Give more. Expect less.