My laptop makes a lot of noise. Most of the time it doesn't bother me, as I'm gaming or listening to music or whatever. But some of the time, it does get on my nerves. The sound, I know, is coming from the fans, that seem to always be spinning as fast as they can. I just want to be able to underclock my computer when I'm just on the internet or whatever, the times that I don't need the power my laptop has.
I've searched Google and found a program called SpeedSwitchXP but I'll admit that I don't really understand how it works or what it does.
If it helps, I'm running a Dell Inspiron 9100, P4 2.8G w/ HT, 1024 RAM, an ATI Mobile Radeon 9700... blah blah blah.
You know the one time I really noticed the fans was last week in a hotel room - I was taking advantage of the free high speed, and had my box set up on the table, nothing covering any of the fans, and it became very loud in a matter of minutes.
Any help is appreciated