Originally Posted by cyrnel
Yes, and wear a tinfoil hat to be sure.
Cabin pressure for passengers should be ~10-12psi. (14.7 is sea level, Denver is 12.2) Airlines let cabin pressure drop to what you'd experience ~5000-8000ft above sea level as a happy medium between passenger comfort and aircraft material fatigue. Condoms aren't packed with air and aren't sealed on themselves, so even if you bought your condoms inflated the expansion would be less than the difference between morning wood and Angelina Jolie naked in your bed. If your condom can't handle the altitude you'd see on a skiing trip then I'd vote for another brand.
I suppose the paranoid guy could write Trojan and ask if it's safe to order their product shipped by air freight. And do they provide child support guarantees? 
I respect this post as it was informative and nicely sarcastic at the same time. Well done.
I think the condom will be safe, what won't be safe is if the girl found out your secret "I travel 1000's of miles to infiltrate your crotch" agenda.