Originally Posted by powerclown
Yes, roachboy, I acknowledge that the term "Fascism" does have deeper meaning - so we are again in agreement. Where I disagree with both you and host is in your support of the projection of the concept of Fascism onto the current administration. What happens in 3.5 years, when your derisionally-named BushCo is constitutionally removed from power (a quite un-Fascist practice, no?)?
Does a once Fascist Amerika then revert literally overnight back into a Democratic America once again? In the span of 4 years? If you're going to brand America as "Fascsist" under Bush, will you brand it such under a possbly Democratic Administration? Is it Bush you have a problem with, or is it with America in general?
Who T-F know what to believe, powerclown, but we have to contine to tirelessly question everything that those in authority say and do.
Obama voted for "tort reform". even though a 20 year old, permanently incapacitated by an incompetent surgeon, would receive an award that amounts to $12.00 per day, under the provisions of the "reform".
Senator Joe Biden (D) Del., voted for "Bankruptcy Reform", because MBNA is his benefactor and employs him as an internet technology consultant.
The Yale Univ. secret society, "Skull and Bones", invites six members of the junior class to join it's ranks each year. Between '65 and '67, Kerry and then Bush were among the less than 20 new members selected in that period to join Skull and Bones. Howard Dean, struck a chord during pre-primary campaigning in late 2003, early 2004, because he appeared to potential voters to be against the Iraq war from the outset, whereas Kerry agreed with more of Bush's Iraq policy than he disagreed with it. Dean appeared too shrill and radical and was sidelined by the democratic party hierarchy.
Why did the democrats on the 9/11 commission and the panel that Bush selected to review the pre-invasion Iraqi intelligence gathering, not issue dissenting reports from the "official" releases? Why have the deomcrats not insisted on independent, congressional investigations.
In his newly released film, (segment #2) "Martial Law 9/11: Rise Of The Police State", Alex Jones confronts Michael Moore in NYC during the 2004 Republican Convention and demands an answer from Moore as to the omission of the report in Farenheit 9/11, that NORAD was ordered to "stand down" during the 9/11 attacks. Moore is heard to mutter, "because that would be un-American". Alex Jones purports to believe that Moore intended his film to as a cover and a diversion for the Bush government's actual involvement in 9/11. The film, for anyone with an open mind, and a desire not to rule anything out about the curious sequence of events on 9-11-2001, is available for download in three segments at this link:
powerclown, I lived in Manhattan on 9-11, and I don't know what to believe about what happened that day. To get even closer to the event in it's aftermath, I took advantage of an opportunity to move into an apartment that was three blocks from ground zero, a few weeks after 9/11. I resided there for the next three months, and I took these shots from the roof of the apartment building. I immersed myself in the aftermath of 9/11. It's under my skin. I want this president to permit an investiagtion of what happened that is not under the control of his government. He owes us and the victims that!
I am skeptical, open to most possibilities, and I question the motives of all authority, even of democrats who voted for the Patriot Act, or for the congressional resolutions on Iraq, or who belong to Skull and Bones and don't distance themselves enough from Bush's foreign and military policies.
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