The latest issue of Rolling Stone (with Vader on the cover) tells how the cough used for Grievous is actually Lucas'!
As for the gripes (not necessarily posted in this thread but in national reviews et al) about the acting and writing, I have to say that the scene in which Obi Wan confronts Padme for the location of Anakin is one of the best delivered scenes. The first time I saw the movie I was completely gripped by Padme's denial and then acceptance of Obi Wan's information. Upon a second viewing I knew what was coming and was able watch with a more skeptical eye but was still completely gripped by their performances and the writing in that scene wasn't clunky at all
I watched ESB after watching ROTS and for everybody's complaint about how whiney and petulant Anakin is about not being a Master or a more powerful Jedi, I suggest you watch how whiney and impatient Luke is when he is around Yoda. Lucas has done the right thing in making Anakin a whiney brat because that was how Luke was too. In the overall structure of the series Luke is following in the same footsteps of his father. Yoda knew what Anakin was like and if he didn't train Luke properly then all was lost for certain. /soapbox
Q. What is the difference between erotic and kinky?
A. Erotic is using a feather... kinky is using the whole