To everyone who asked about the mouse...there is a story there.
My family and I were taking our annual road trip to Reno, NV to visit my grandfather. On our way to and from we always liked to go a different way each time to see new things, new stretches of the country, or even visit old places we loved. This particular trip we went to Paulina Peak in Central Oregon to see the cinder cones and whatnot. While stopped to use the restroom in one of the park's parking lots, my dad bent down to pick up what he thought to be a scrap of garbage--and turned out to be a little mouse finger-puppet just sitting in the middle of the parking lot. I dibsed it, and ever since it's been hanging by its tail wherever I move.
And yes, Charlatan--that is a U2 iPod on my desk. I paid a little more it than a regular iPod, but it looks snazzier, has their autographs on the back, and came with a coupon for money off their back catalog. I don't know what I did before my iPod, goes everywhere with me--I even have a little thingie to plug into it so it'll broadcast on the radio (essential because my car has a radio but no tape deck or CD player).
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau