Originally Posted by MrSelfDestruct
I'm not a psychologist, or a professional of any type, but I suspect that those who turn out to be unproductive deadbeats have an innate personality type that would lead them toward a lifestyle that involves heavy use of psychoacitve substances. I feel that this cause/effect pair is a mismatch and that while they appear to correlate, they are both dependant on a third, unresearched variable.
As an addition to his hypothesis, I'd add that the very personality traits which cause lethargia and a chronic (hehe, i said "chronic"... ahem.) lack of motivation or responsibility are the very same traits which would cause a person to seek out substances that further remove them from the full bredth and depth of reality in order to more completely fascilitate the desire in their psyche to be as removed from "life" as possible. A climber seeks the highest mountain, a thrill-seeker goes after the fastest roller-coaster... many of these people rejoice in a drug that serves the most basic of their desires, and that is simply why the supposed correlation exists. Someone looking to gain weight doesn't take diet pills, that's not what they want- someone with an ice cream craving doesn't go have a bowl of brussel sprouts. People want what best serves their desires.