Originally Posted by Cereberus
That report doesn't sound right to me. The faster that stuff's off your teeth, the better. Besides, you can always brush without toothpaste, but I don't believe the toothpaste traps anything.
It's critical to brush, and preferably floss, after that last soda. Otherwise, the stuff is doing its harm all night. Even worse than during the daytime, because salivary flow, which helps prevent decay, slows down at night.
(There's a dentist in the family.)
Good luck.
Actually (minor quibble regarding your generally good advice), but brushing immediately after a soft drink is not a great idea because of the acidity. Enamel dissolves in a highly acidic enviro and brushing the teeth will encourage this dissolution. Same reason that (while it counters all logical thoughts) brushing immediately after vomiting is a no-no. Better to drink lots of water to get rid of the taste.