Originally Posted by pan6467
First, I appologize for length but for all you serious soda drinkers......
I was fine with my teeth until about 4-5 years ago. I started to notice small decay along the gumlines of my front teeth but I hadn't been to a dentist since I was in the Navy in 1990, so I was scared and ignored it and continued to drink massive amounts of soda (although I changed from sugar to diet and from Mt. Dew to caffeine free). The reason for the caffeine free was I read caffeine (especially as much as I was drinking depletes your body of calcium real fast.... I figured that would stop the decay.)
I know I'm butting in, but...
That's a great improvement, but the carbonation is also harmful over long periods of time. Applause for the caffeine reduction, but when you feel capable of it, you might try switching to one of the sports drinks that are basically flavored water with a minor amount, or no sugar.
I have had 2 abcessed teeth removed in the last 3 years and have one molar in severe breakage. Both times, the dentist (different dentists) claimed my teeth were fixable and showed signs of strength but the soda was eroding them fast. Today, I know the soda is destroying my mouth but I cannot stop, and have allowed the soda to destroy my teeth and gums. The gums have gotten so raw from the soda that I have to brush very very softly. I can constantly taste blood from my gums. My teeth are so bad now that I am in constant pain throughout my jaw, neck, ears and sinuses.
Your quote to fix things probably didn't include replacing those teeth, which you should consider for the long term. Otherwise, teeth can drift, thereby messing up your bite, and sometimes your jaw joints.
I know it sounds hypocritical or a "won't happen to me because he was far more extreme in his soda drinking than I am" but ease up now before you end up like I have. There is no doubt in my mind soda is every bit of as addicting as any drug, at least for me. I have been able to kick most of my other addictions but soda and smoking.... both of which destroy my teeth.
I don't want to jump on you after you've improved so much, but smoking absolutely destroys your gums. Plus, when you've got gum problems, they usually can't be restored to their former condition--just TREATED, which isn't as good.
The smoke traps the soda's acid onto the teeth........ Also, according to reports I have read is never brush your teeth after drinking a soda, you should wait at least an hour afterward as the toothpaste actually will trap the acids onto your teeth and rot them faster. Sugar or Diet doesn't matter the acid is what destroys the teeth.
That report doesn't sound right to me. The faster that stuff's off your teeth, the better. Besides, you can always brush without toothpaste, but I don't believe the toothpaste traps anything.
Again I am being hypocritical as I am always, ALWAYS with a soda in hand and brush 2 times a day and I usually had a soda right before (at least within the hour, and I have a soda almost right afterward.... I take 6 24 oz bottles (= to a 12 pack of cans) to work with me everyday.... first thing I do when I wake up is reach for a soda and last thing I do at the end of my day before I try to sleep is drink soda.
It's critical to brush, and preferably floss, after that last soda. Otherwise, the stuff is doing its harm all night. Even worse than during the daytime, because salivary flow, which helps prevent decay, slows down at night.
(There's a dentist in the family.)
Good luck.