I have a few scars that don't want to fade very well. I've found that using a self tanner a day or so before I go swimming or something helps to cover them up and it doesn't wash off as easily as some makeup. Though if you still want to us makeup you'd have to match the color of your skin with the self tanner.
I like Neutrogena foaming bronzer and self tanner. Does a good job and dries quickly so that you can get dressed without messing up your clothes. It's also easy to see how evenly you've spread it because of the instant bronzer in it. Just make sure you put lotion on her hands before you put the tanner on and then scrub them with an exfoliant afterwards. I'd say wear surgical gloves to put the tanner on but since it's near your hands the gloves might get in the way.
"Always learn the rules so that you can break them properly." Dalai Lama
My Karma just ran over your Dogma.