Originally Posted by Hardknock
(Emotion-laden outburst)
Well, it isn't quite original, and Roachboy suggested it before I got back, but this seems appropriate
<img src=http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0RwCfAjYWVzKNedj2rrKrqFW6!t5*If0Kl0GIN*Ar4Vy7ob7MY31wPu6Gjw*P0oKUMy8hATJs*CEaqUaTjoadOy3LyBxLF0srM7iJOOAnjWw/valium.jpg?dc=4675523437964989327></img>
Or maybe
<img src=http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0SAAAAFQWzTx83q!FhdagVUoAxXvem!dQA1Avv95xoJAK8fxsJrDCDu9040H7RBylqNMRJcb9nWQR*vJKku34TdCWDyGl0GuAnGtPpt7S*7YAAAAAAAAAAA/viagra2.jpg?dc=4675523438030384181></img>
Originally Posted by Hardknock
The fact that China is kicking our asses right now has a lot to do with Bush and his "faith" that everything will be all right is you just pray in school.
I always thought it had something to do with a massive supply of cheap labor and lack of the environmental regulations of the US, as well as unfair trade practices, but that's just me.
Originally Posted by Hardknock
I don't give a damn if they got missile technology. They were going to get it anyway no matter who was in office because they stole it. Or did that happen to slip your mind?
Nope. They BOUGHT it. Google John Hwang and Charlie Trie. And Loral.
Originally Posted by Hardknock
]And you think that was all due to lord Bush?? Tell me, was it the felons that the gov't hired as airport screeners that did the trick to save us from the big bad terrorists? Was is the Patriot act that tramples all over my freedoms? Or was it that fake war that the war criminal Bush is still trying to sell us by sending his chrones over every other month on a "surprise visit" to try and reassure the masses that everything is going to plan?
I thought it was wiping out 75% of al Qaeda, and having the rest of it on the run. But that's just me.
Originally Posted by Hardknock
By the way on that note, Bush holding hands with one of the Saudi dictators (He hates dictators because they limit freedoms remember?) on the white house lawn begging him to turn up the oil spigot doesn't help his credibility either.
I'm sure you were happy to ignore the widely published explanation of that. I'm sure you also ignored all of the pictures of Bill and Hillary smiling out in pictures with drug dealers.
I had a problem with that. But that's just me.