Spoiler: I thought Qui Gon would ne at the final scene of ROTJ b/c Lucas had already chose to change one actor in the final scene so it may have been possible.
Spoiler: yoda gave up because he felt a bit over powered, that's my opinion...he was holding his own for some time but after getting knocked down to the main floor and losing his light saber....I don't think he felt it was still necessary to keep fighting. He could always regroup and try another day.
Also, lucas and his daughter are in the scene when Palpatine is at the opera house with anakin.
Yes, the anakin/padme acting wasn't the best but the overall acting in star wars isn't any Academy award worthy stuff...its no LOTR..the opening aerial battle was not the best in any of the star wars episodes. I did like when Spoiler: anakin jumped from his crashed fighter ship and got to work w/ the lightsabers.