Originally Posted by Cereberus
Then there's the economy. I wish more people reallized that politicians don't control it, no matter how much they want you to think that. What controls the economy is how competitive we are in the world market. And we're not competitive if we run out of oil, or shutter factories near a snail darter breeding area.
And what is it that makes up competitive in the world market? Would it be something called an education perhaps? Somthing that those "useful idiots" actually possess? Something that your current administration obviously doesn't believe in since Bush doesn't like to fund his own education programs? Unless it's the war college that is. The fact that China is kicking our asses right now has a lot to do with Bush and his "faith" that everything will be all right is you just pray in school. I don't give a damn if they got missile technology. They were going to get it anyway no matter who was in office because they stole it. Or did that happen to slip your mind? You think I don't know that politicians want to get reelected? I don't give a damn. That's all they're good for. But I'm also not going to sit here and think that Bush and Co is actually good for us when they pass legislation that obviously favors big business over the working class. Bankruptcy laws that allow companies to default on pensions, allowing limited awards on legitimate malpractice suits, the list could go on. Digging for more oil wells ain't gonna save us either bub. The stuff's running out and if we don't switch over to alternate fuels soon, South Korea and the rest of the far east will pass us by with a lot more than stem cells.
Originally Posted by Cereberus
But back to the part about "protecting rights." There hasn't been a terrorist attack in this country since 9/11.
And you think that was all due to lord Bush?? Tell me, was it the felons that the gov't hired as airport screeners that did the trick to save us from the big bad terrorists? Was is the Patriot act that tramples all over my freedoms? Or was it that fake war that the war criminal Bush is still trying to sell us by sending his chrones over every other month on a "surprise visit" to try and reassure the masses that everything is going to plan?
Originally Posted by Cereberus
However, those on the left would be screaming the loudest about Bush "doing nothing" if there HAD been. In other words, if he'd reacted like Clinton did to the first WTC bombing, and the U.S.S. Cole (by doing nothing).
I detect hypocrisy, all right.
I'm sure that starting a war on a band of thugs that moves from country to country by invading the country they happened to be in the week before those events would've solved it perfectly.
By the way on that note, Bush holding hands with one of the Saudi dictators (He hates dictators because they limit freedoms remember?) on the white house lawn begging him to turn up the oil spigot doesn't help his credibility either.