Originally Posted by Hardknock
I'm not talking about shooting anything at all. That's a completely separate issue. What I was pointing out was the hypocrisy of the right. They scream abut protecting our rights and limiting government but look what has happened. Exactly the opposite.
Some of us have a different viewpoint. As in, the left has been indoctrinating America's children, right up through college. I've seen studies that say 80% of college professors classify themselves as liberal. The reason college students are such easy pickings is that most don't have enough experience in the real world to realize what utter bullshit they're being fed.
After graduation, even though they're armed with a degree in art history, these "useful idiots" blame the right when nobody wants to hire them. "Greedy capitalists," are to blame, of course.
You want to know what's the saddest part? You think the Democrats actually care about you! The only thing 99% of elected officials care about is getting re-elected.
Bill Clinton never made a decision that wasn't designed to benefit his career, regardless of how much it hurt the country. How else do you explain his (and Jimmy Carter's) giving nukes to North Korea? Or missile technology to China?
Can anyone picture Bush doing either of those?
Then there's the economy. I wish more people reallized that politicians don't control it, no matter how much they want you to think that. What controls the economy is how competitive we are in the world market. And we're not competitive if we run out of oil, or shutter factories near a snail darter breeding area.
But back to the part about "protecting rights." There hasn't been a terrorist attack in this country since 9/11.
However, those on the left would be screaming the loudest about Bush "doing nothing" if there HAD been. In other words, if he'd reacted like Clinton did to the first WTC bombing, and the U.S.S. Cole (by doing nothing).
I detect hypocrisy, all right.