Originally Posted by magictoy
Does this mean that YOU are going to start shooting, or are you waiting for others to do it for you?
I'm not talking about shooting anything at all. That's a completely separate issue. What I was pointing out was the hypocrisy of the right. They scream abut protecting our rights and limiting government but look what has happened. Exactly the opposite.
And I am in total agreement with what shakran said. The current dems need to grow a big pair of balls. They need to start defending themselves. We all know it. That’s one of the reasons why Dean was elected chair. Supposedly, he's supposed to put the "fire" back into the base. I'm still out on that one personally. But I like to be a little optimistic. It's not that they're letting the right walk all over them. Remember, they have total control of two of the three branches of government. Not much the dems can do to stop them. I agree that they still need to grow a pair and say what's on their mind. If someone's offended, then screw it. Let them be offended. Believe me, there are things about the left I don't like either but my main concern right now is the economy and I'm going with the dems on that one. After 4+ years, the right can't seem to get it right with our economy and IMHO they've got to go.