Its a very strong addiction we are talking about here. You don't think that most of the people, addicted to this drug, don't want to stop? They don't wake up every fucking day of their miserable crack addicted lives and wish they could go back to THAT day?THAT day when "normal", ceased to exist, and the slow hell that they know now, as their lives, took over? The endless paranoid nights, just sitting, and I mean literally sitting in the same exact position for 15 - 20 hours, without moving - yeah, I bet they want that more. It could be the erratic mood swings or even the loss of teeth, thats always fun and I am sure painless, not to mention, very attractive - maybe that's what they want more.
We all make choices in life, on THAT day, the first day you decide you are going to try smoking crack, well, don't worry, you won't forget that day - it will be the only day you will ever remember. There have been people who have successfully quit, and have stayed clean, but, very few. It wasn't because they finally wanted to, they were just able to. Until you know what its like to have that craving, the one you will do anything, and I do mean anything, to be able to feed that craving, you really don't have any idea, how bad this addiction is. Less than 10% of people who have tried to quit smoking crack, have been successful, I cannot believe that over 90% are still using, simply because they don't "want" to quite - it's alot stronger than any 12 step or 12 week rehab can handle. If it were simply as easy as wanting it strongly enough, they would have a much higher success rate.
They need to figure out exactly what that drug is physically and mentally doing to the body, and figure out a way to stop it's control. The longer a person uses, the less likely they will be able to ever quit. The use of meth, or crack is already at alarming numbers, that keep getting higher everyday. The fact that there is no cure or even a program, that has been proven to keep someone clean and sober, for any length of time - should have people very worried.