Of course it was cheating. That's why it was so exhilarating--because you knew it was something you weren't supposed to be doing.
And if you tell your GF, you're nuts.
Don't get me wrong--a lot of people here think your post was more bragging than asking for advice. I didn't interpret it that way.
So IF my interpretation is correct, and you're feeling guilty, that's good. If you're never going to do it again, even better. People who develop a habit of doing crap like this, and hiding it from their SO, are scum.
But if you want to be with your GF long-term, and you don't want to have it thrown in your face in every argument for the next twenty years (at which point she may have forgiven, but she won't EVER forget), you'll keep your mouth shut. Especially to your friends.
If you ever think you want to do it again with anyone else, do all concerned a favor and break up with your GF. Even then, I don't think it's an absolute necessity to tell your GF, because there's a good chance she'll interpret it in terms of there being something wrong with her.
From what I've seen, I've just disagreed with every female who posted in this thread, but I've seen the results of both versions with my friends, and I have yet to see a guy who was glad he told.
Like I said, that's a twenty-year sentence.