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Old 05-21-2005, 05:32 PM   #62 (permalink)
The sky calls to us ...
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Location: CT
Based on feel, personal experience (range time,) and concealability, I've narrowed my selection down to a few choices from which my carry pistol will most likely be selected.

1: The FN 5-7 (5.7mm JHP)
Ironically enough, my interest in this gun was sparked by a local newspaper article that drew on the worst stereotypes of both guns and gun owners, demonizing both the gun and anyone who would buy one as a cop-killer. Seeing through the bullshit, I saw an innovative weapon that has stayed in my mind as my first choice for carrying despite several considerations of other choices. The near-zero recoil and muzzle jump make follow-up shots easy, if necessary.

The ballistics data reveal some interesting properties of the ammunition. First, the 2200fps+ muzzle velocity puts it alongside rifle rounds rather than standard pistol rounds, and at such a high velocity hydrostatic shock becomes a factor in target incapacitation. The permanent wound channel in ballistic gelatin from the 5.7x28 is approximately 2.75", regardless of the target's clothing. In bare gelatin, penetration was 7.75" wit some sideways travel, with standard shirt, flannel, and down jacket it was up to 9" in a straight line, and through IIA kevlar penetration was reduced to 6". It is clear that overpenetration is not an issue with this round, and the hollowpoint does not suffer the same clogging and lack of expansion as normal pistol rounds.

2: The Glock Model 30 (.45ACP JHP)
The .45 is a round that has been proven effective for quick incapacitation of targets. A round like the Federal Hydrashok (which has been reccommended to me by several people) is highly effective and needs no introduction to most shooters.

I recently fired the G30 (actually my first time shooting pistols,) and at 50 yards, I managed a group of only 6". The recoil was easily manageable, and the gun felt natural in my hand. This has fallen to the bottom of my list, however, because it jammed while I was only on my second 9rd magazine. The gun froze out of battery after the 6th shot, and when I looked down into the chamber, I saw the tip of a bullet pointing right back at me. A quick doubl pull of the slide brought me to the last two rounds, which were fired wihtout incident. The offending round was inspected and subsequently fired without any abnormal occurences. Whether this was a freak occurence, an improperly loaded magazine, bad form (loose wrist?,) or the effect of wear on a rental gun can only be determined with the use of several hundred additional rounds (unfortunate, isn't it?)

3: H&K .45 USP
Once again, the .45 is my caliber of choice. This gun felt comfortable in my hand, and the sights lined up perfectly as I lifted it and took aim. There really isn't much else to say. H&K's reliability has been proven by both police and military use, and that's a big endorsement in my book.

4: Springfield MilSpec .45ACP
With a few modifications, the 1911 design can be made into an extremely reliable gun, and a large weapon is not a problem for me. Due to time concerns related to drawing a big gun, I doubt that this will be my final choice, but it's a possibility.

5: Smith and Wesson 500
This is the comedy option of the group. This is what you pick when you don't want to take the question seriously. I'll put it simply. I'm fucking huge. This gun is fucking huge. The only time I've seen anyone use one, he held it like a rifle. A shit-hits-the-fan backup gun, I would only carry so I could say I did. Anything else and I'd look like one of the douchebags who carries a Desert Eagle just to outdo everyone else or compensate for other inadequacies. I might as well shove a sawed-off shotgun down my pants. Accessibility would be an issue, but then again, if I had the time to aim and fire it at an approaching target, I'd have time to get it out. Again, this is purely a comedy option. I'd love to see the looks on peoples' faces if they saw it.

edit: now that I think about it, I'd probably take a CZ-52 over the MilSpec.
Originally Posted by Strange Famous
Wow... I couldnt come up with five... in real life when Im out on the street the only weapon I have is my house/car keys.... which isnt much, but if someone attacks me I could hurl them in their face (not much good against a gun, but not many people in Ipswich carry guns), or else wrap the keys around my fist and throw a punch... I've never done that in though!

If I could choose any gun to be my conceal and carry weapon, assuming it was legal and I felt I needed a gun (like if I was camping out or something and needed protection from wild animals, or lived in a really bad area maybe)....

I'd have a IMI Jericho 941
I think that brand-loyalty may still be slanting your opinion, but this time you've landed on a solid choice. The 941, marketed in the US as the "Baby Eagle," is the practical, reliable little brother of Counterstrike's noob cannon. Available in 9mm, .40S&W, and .45ACP (excluding the .41AE, discontinued due to lack of sales,) models of varying sizes, it offers a reasonable range of ammo choices in a concealable size, although a bit on the big side.

Originally Posted by citrid
... man this is crazy for me not from the US ....

I never had nor ever will I carry a gun ...
and I am so thankful not to live in the US ...

and be able to go to any corner of my town ...
or any town i have been to ....

even in london I have been to "anywhere" ...
There I met them kids on the streets with guns ...
I dont needed one ...

a fighting could be "Natural" ...
a killing for trouble is "INSANE" ....

What u wonder why them shoot them off each time a day in the US ?

A former friend of mine had a gun, now he is in jail for murder ... for fucking 11 years ... got pissed on coca and shot one off in front of the club ...

what the fuck are ya guns for but killing ?
Move to the next hood if it aint right there ...

I dont get ya folks ... Clinton was about to change some laws and the country got upset ... na my way ....

u pay a good price for ya freedom to walk armed ...

man, and ur president started chasing WMDs in Iraq or what?
U have an industry of "mass destruction" running ya homelands ....

greetz, Clinton ... ehm ... Citrid

If you're going to post on TFP, at least make a good-faith attempt to exercise remedial English Language skills. Your post ranges from exhibiting irritatingly poor grammar to outright incomprehensibility.

Your post does not belong in the Weaponry forum. If you had bothered to read the rules ( you would notice that debate between pro/anti gun groups belongs in Politics. Most people would not walk into an NRA meeting or the local shooting range and say what you posted here, and while you may not have seen it as such, posting it here will result in your argument being recieved in a similar manner. To discuss the politics of gun ownership, control, and use, you would find you argument is better recieved if discussed in an appropriate venue (not at a place where gun owners congregate.)

This is your friendly warning. Now that I have explained the rules, any further posting of gun control debate in this forum will be considered trolling and dealt with as such. Please search the politics forum and either find an existing thread in which to post your opinion and arguments, or start a new one if no such thread exists.

Last edited by MSD; 07-21-2005 at 05:38 PM..
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