I just got back from seeing it... I fucking loved it. The first half hour got me a little worried with the humor (scared droids and 'clever' lines etc.) but after that it just rocked solidly until the end.
I didn't catch the Millenium Falcon but I did love seeing what looked to be earlier versions of the space ships seen in episodes 4,5 and 6. Like the trianglular ships that obviously are the early Star Destroyers, and those X-Wing type fighters that look like they could easily become the X-Wings from the later movies. And especially the TIE fighters, you could see those designs coming. I rememeber the fighter Anakin was flying in the opening scene had the same style of windscreen as the later TIE fighters, and towards the end of the movie small fighters in the same TIE style were getting that screaming/screetching sound that they have in episodes 4,5 and 6. I remember in episodes 1 and 2 people were concerned that the ships were so sleek and shiny and looked too modern compared to the original trilogy but I think they handled the evolution well.
Vader's 'Noooo!' scream towards the end was atrocious. I guess they were going for a Frankenstein's monster scene there. As soon as I saw Spoiler:
the Death Star being built I wondered how Darth Vader had managed to get his evil empire kicked into high gear so quickly, when he could hardly walk in his new suit, but then I remembered that in many ways he's just Palpatine's puppet.
Episode 3 is by far the best of the new movies and I think it easily makes up for 1 and 2. If I ever have kids I'll be showing them the original three first, then these new ones.
EDIT: Spoiler:
When General Grevious pulls out his four lightsabres, my first thought was 'Mate, that's cheating'. My friend turned to me and said 'That's cheating'. Awesome