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Old 05-21-2005, 12:35 PM   #260 (permalink)
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I saw it yesterday and wrote my opinion of it on another board and am just copy pasting it ...

I honestly wasn't disappointed in the movie because it had everything right, but it coulda been truely great and not just "blah" if they did a few things different.

Review has spoilers btw, lots of em so don't read it if you havn't seen the movie:

Spoiler: Well, I just saw it and heres my opinion:

It wasn't bad, but it just never held my attention ... why? Because ANAKIN CANNOT ****ING ACT. That in itself brought down the entire movie, the first fight scene I'm sitting there watching him and Dooku fight and I don't even care, theres no intensity/motive to watch, its just a bunch of pretty lights all over the screen and a two guys moving at the speed of turtles.

Then you have Anakin becoming darth vader .... Hes like "I sensed her being alive", and then makes the worst yell ever, chewbaca woulda sounded sadder then he did, he just sat there going like booo freaking hoo.

There were parts where it was good though: The middle hour of the movie, from about the time anakin goes crazy to about the part yoda and anakin fight (aside from the acting) I liked it because there was acctually some tension, like when the jedis were betrayed I acctually stopped focusing on how long until the movie got over and got into it, it lost momentum again after order 66 but if the entire movie was like that it would have been truely a masterpiece. Also, it was pretty dark when anakin betrayed Windu, I acctually got really into it then because it showed how evil he was becoming.

One thing was really missing in the movie I think and that was Build-up, you need build-up to make the people care about the characters, There was no real time in my mind where for 5 minutes I'm sitting there waiting for a fight scene because I know its coming, it just suddenly happened, and then ended just as fast.

Also, the music was good for the yoda/anakin double fight but other then that the musical score in this movie was sorta ... unintense.

I give it a B-, It had good parts and if you want to see a bunch of stuff getting blown up its a decent movie, but in no way does it deserve the title people are giving it as the most amazing starwars movie since ROTJ, I apologize if I'm being to over critical I just think it coulda been better.

BTW,the beginning was absolutely atrocious in my mind, there is nothing funny in a elevator constantly breaking and R2D2 lighting a bunch of dumbass droids on fire, I came to see some drama and ass-kicking, not some stupid robot turn into a pyromaniac to make the audience laugh.

On a side note, it had some sweet previews, Narnia and War of the Worlds have alot of potential, and I can't really understand fantastic 4 to well but it has some potential also.

I apologize if I sound like I hated the movie in the review, I just honestly expected something more, I'm not sure what was missing from it, I think it was just the lack of intensity throughout the movie that really brought it down, it really wasn't the script that messed it up either I just felt like I was watching a soap opera, not a drama with murder and betrayal. On a side note, I talked to everyone else I knew and I was the only one who felt this way, so maybe I just missed something or wasn't into it enough, I'm gonna see it again sometime in the next week and see if I get more into it.

Last edited by SecretMethod70; 05-21-2005 at 01:02 PM..
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