Originally Posted by shakran
Our policy needs to be "we'll leave you alone if you leave us alone. But if you mess with us, we're gonna get even."
That's why I never criticized the attack on Afghanistan - -well. . I didn't until Bush got distracted by Iraq and forgot all about getting the guy that actually attacked us. Afghanistan was knowingly harboring terrorists that had directly hurt our country. There was no problem with going in there.
So far, so good.
Iraq was not harboring terrorists, had no capability of harming us, ...
Oopsie. Al Zarqawi wasn't training terrorists in explosives and poisoning techniques in Iraq?
So the point of this long, drawn out post, is that both parties suck, but for different reasons. And until either a third party gets enough of a political foothold to count, or until the democrats wake up and start wanting to win again (hint, that means actually taking stands and saying what you believe in even if you think it might offend a few people. Hey, it worked for the republicans), it's gonna continue the way it's going now.
NOW you're back on track.