Originally Posted by Hardknock
It's always the liberals. It's always the liberals.
Read between the lines a little instead of blaming someone else for your problems. The GOP supporters just don't want to admit that they've been bamboozled, swindled, taken, and had. Righties always claim that they want their guns so they can fight the government like shakran said. I find it ironic that the same group fails to realize that their party is responsible for the deterioration of our freedoms so that they WON'T be able to rise up with said guns.
They're affecting YOUR freedoms too righties. Liberals are bitching because we see through Dubya's wool. You all just have to wake up and admit it. Once you do, then change will happen.
Either that, or the GOP will fuck things up so badly that America will eventually destryoy itself from within.
Does this mean that YOU are going to start shooting, or are you waiting for others to do it for you?