Location: Ontario, Canada
Just a quick review of some studies. Or are they all wrong?
MILK PRODUCTS & CALCIUM ...FOR MORE THAN BUILDING STRONG BONES Everyone knows we need milk products to build strong, healthy bones. But did you know that milk products also play an important role in other areas of health? In fact, research indicates that calcium, especially when it's from milk products, plays a key role in preventing many chronic diseases.
Disease Research shows...
Heart Disease and Stroke Calcium from milk products and heart-healthy bacteria in yoghurt may play a role in reducing blood cholesterol. Preliminary research also suggests that certain types of fat found in milk help reduce the risk of heart disease.
High Blood Pressure Calcium, especially from milk products, has been shown to control blood pressure. A normal blood pressure is good for overall heart health.
Colon Cancer Calcium and vitamin D can play an important role in reducing the risk for colon cancer. Fermented milk products such as yoghurt and buttermilk provide added protection from colon cancer. Preliminary research also shows different milk fats as good when it comes to reducing the risk of this type of cancer.
Dental Health Milk products, especially firm cheeses such as Cheddar, Swiss, Mozzarella, Edam, Monterey Jack and Brie help prevent cavities. Enjoying a fruit and cheese platter after a meal is a good thing.
PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) Preliminary research indicates that calcium may reduce symptoms such as bloating, fatigue, irritability, abdominal cramps and back pain.
Emerging research is expanding calcium's role beyond bone health. Calcium is now being hailed as a key player in preventing chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, hypertension and colon cancer.
Following are highlights of calcium's growing importance in preventing chronic disease.
Researchers have proposed the existence of a "milk factor" that seems to have a cholesterol-lowering effect (1,2).
Several studies have indicated that the "milk factor" might be calcium (3,4,5).
Some studies have suggested that regular consumption of milk, particularly fat free milk, may lower blood cholesterol levels, especially in people who have hyperlipidemia (high blood cholesterol) (6,7).
Analysis of the Iowa Women's Health Study, observing more than 34,000 women, revealed that a relatively high calcium intake was associated with a reduced risk for heart disease mortality (8).
The researchers suggest that calcium may contribute to reducing cholesterol levels because calcium binds to bile acids in the gut, thus increasing their excretion, and decreasing their re-absorption into the bloodstream. Since cholesterol is a precursor to make bile acids, the body withdraws cholesterol from the blood. This in turn may reduce blood cholesterol levels (6,7,8).
Studies have also demonstarted that consumption of fermented milk products, such as yoghurt made with the bacteria Lactobacillus acidophilus, can actually help to reduce blood cholesterol levels (9). One theory that has been proposed is that some strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus change the structure of bile acids, thus increasing their excretion (10).
Although not all studies indicate a cholesterol-lowering effect, intake of milk products has not been shown to increase blood lipid levels (3,11,12,13).
There is evidence to suggest that calcium intake reduces the risk of hypertension. Controlling blood pressure reduces the risk for developing cardiovascular disease.
Moreover, the data also reveals that there is more consistency in the results of the studies that used dietary calcium as compared to those studies that used non-dietary sources of calcium (14).
The impact of calcium on blood pressure appears to be the greatest in people who consume low levels of dietary calcium (14).
In addition, the renowned DASH (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) study demonstrated a significant reduction in blood pressure in individuals who consumed low-fat dairy products (2.7 servings per day on average), in addition to fruits and vegetables (15).
The Honolulu Heart Program (a 22 year follow up of 3,150 men that was initiated in 1965) demonstrated an association between milk consumption and reduced risk for stroke (16).
The study showed that calcium from dairy sources, but not from non-dairy sources, was related to reduced risk for stroke (16).
A similar finding was revealed in the 1980-1994 Nurses' Health Study involving more than 85,000 women (17).
One explanation is that calcium may have a hypotensive effect, and may also contribute to reduced platelet aggregation (17).
Clinical trials in humans generally support a protective effect of calcium against colon cancer. It appears that vitamin D also plays a crucial role in conjunction with calcium in reducing the risk of colon cancer (18,19,20,21,22,23,24)
One proposed mechanism is that calcium increases the pH level in the colon, thus making it less acidic and less irritating to the colonic cells. In addition, calcium also binds to bile acids, rendering them harmless (23,24,25,26,27,28,29).
PMS is an umbrella term to describe a set of mood, cognitive and physical symptoms that occur before the onset of menstruation.
As many as 80 per cent of women experience PMS (30).
There is some evidence suggesting that increasing dietary calcium and vitamin D may reduce PMS symptoms, such as bloating, fatigue, cramps, irritability, abdominal pain and back pain (31,32,33,34).
A few studies have even shown that PMS may be a marker for low calcium status (35,36).
Women with PMS have significantly lower vertebral bone mass (36).
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Si vis pacem parabellum.