Originally Posted by Holdem Dvorak
All I ask is that it isn't in the back of an ambulence or in a hospital. Once you are in the healthcare field you really find it sad.
Indeed. The last few months have opened my eyes to that.
I'm not sure where it comes from, and I'm not entirely comfortable saying it, but I've always expected to go out in a ball of fire. No romanticism or fantasy of glory involved. I've been burned enough to know better. It's just an image that has persisted since my reckless automotive exploits. I'd
choose something more pleasant. Cardiac arrest banging a beautiful woman. Skydiving with a faulty chute, and enough time to get a grip and enjoy the rest. Anything fulfilling. Just not something that'd make loved ones think I'd regret it. You don't have to get very old to realize most of the pain of death remains with the people left behind.