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Old 05-20-2005, 07:28 PM   #59 (permalink)
Originally Posted by zfleebin
Tell me what your top 5 are
1. Glock 19, Trijicon sights, 3.5 pound trigger pull.
2. CZ-75, non-import, produced prior to 1990.
3. AMT .380 "backup". Quality control varied on these from outstanding to horrendous. Mine is outstanding. Once, while being patted down by a cop during a training exercise, he hit the handle of it, and thought it was a zippo lighter.
4 and 5. For the Desert Eagle crowd: an M2 Iver Johnson "enforcer" and a Bushmaster "armgun". The "Enforcer" is a pistol gripped M2 carbine that was shortened to approximately huge pistol size. Pic here: I prefer the ones with the vertical foregrip, it really makes a difference on full auto.

The "Armgun" is basically a bastardized bullpup AR-15 pistol that takes M-16 mags. Pic here:

Both can be had (if you've got the bucks) in full auto, and both offer far, FAR more firepower than a IMI Desert Eagle could HOPE to put out on it's best day.

I've also been known to carry an "a" series waffenampted BHP. It doesn't have that nasty magazine safety that the non-waffenampted ones do.
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