I'm going to say a little something if you choose not to tell her.
She WILL find out.
Someone always says something, it gets passed along, etc, etc. When my now ex boyfriend cheated on me the first time I forgave him because he came clean about it to me. When I found out about more cheating happening later from a friend of his I was pissed off. We had broken up 2 months prior to me learning of this and it made me feel worse. I've had 3 boyfriends cheat on me, 2 told me straight up, 1 I found out later and then the situation I just mentioned. It hurt me more hearing it from a second source then hearing it straight from the guy. At least I knew these guys still had a little bit of respect for me in that they were willing to be honest and ask for forgiveness, even though, they didn't necessarily get it.
**Sorry to rant like this cheating just bugs the crap outta me**
Last edited by Lead543; 05-20-2005 at 05:37 PM..