Originally Posted by Strange Famous
ach... I forgot to weigh in the last two weeks... well, I still weigh between 296 and 298.. ie, still very big 
Happened upon this thread and it's a terrific idea.
I went to Weight Watchers in March,1999 at 175 and became a lifetime member in October, 1999 at 131. I have managed to stay within 10 lbs and at one point went down to the 120's. Sitting home, I have put on a few, but I am keeping WW in the back of my head to help with losing them.
SF, one of the things that you should try to do is to cut out at least one unhealthy food, ie: pizza, and replace it with something else, ie: chicken.
Also, keep a journal of everything you put into your mouth each day for about 3 weeks and see what you really can do without.
One of my own things that I did during WW is that, on weekends, all bets were off-didn't want to deprive myself. Yet, the weight still came off because during the week, I was dilligent.
Another thing-don't go nuts on the exercise-take it slow. Muscle, as Amonkie pointed out, weighs more than fat and people tend to get very discouraged because the pounds aren't falling off.
Lastly, don't skip meals thinking it's only less calories. Your body's metabolism will slow down-we burn a lot of calories eating-the trick is to make the body burn more than what's taken in. In that sense, 4 small meals a day works much better than 2 decent-sized healthy ones, plus we are less likely to binge from hunger or deprivation this way.
Keep it up!! It's a wonderful feeling of accomplishment seeing those numbers go down!