Originally posted by Ambition
KillerYoda, I don't get it, how come after it was your class song, you lost all love for them?
Wait, why would having the song as your senior song ruin them fo ryou? They are an awsome band. I would saw off my left arm by mself at any desired speed to see them live... that or wait up online to buy tickets next time they are in my area. but should you like a band, over playing one song should not ruin them fo ryou, especially with the diversity seen within the incubus cds from Fungus amungus to morning View
I guess you guys are unaware of how a class song works:
You take a song, play it one million times on the town radio station, here is every day of the last week leading up to graduation, as well as everyone else blasting it out of their car stereos all over town. It's called overkill, fellas.
And besides, I wanted the Deftone's "Back to school" to win.
But I still love S.C.I.E.N.C.E., I might add.