Originally Posted by Ustwo
Until my child was born I didn't understand the whole 'kids' thing. Sure I kinda wanted a child, but I didn't see it as needed. Had my wife said she didn't want kids, I would have been ok with it.
Now that I have a child, its amazing and almost impossible to articulate the feeling.
1. It complicates our lives.
2. We get less sleep.
3. It gives me something else to worry about.
4. It costs more money.
5. I have to deal with the whole 'religious' aspect of raising a child.
6. I couldn't imagine being without him.
Its the best thing that has ever happened to me and I've had a lot of good things happen over my life. While some people SHOULD not have children, don't let the 'hassle' convince you that you shouldn't have one. Just seeing him smile is better than any party, 3some, paycheck, or vacation I've ever been on.
Well said.
Before I had kids, it was me-me-me-me-me. Kids quickly put this into perspective. The focus turns from seeking to please oneself, to seeking to care for the children. It's not always roses, but it is a full time job, isn't it!