Originally Posted by samcol
You just touched on the true complexity of the current political situation in the United States. Real conservatives have been hijacked by the neo-cons and the liberals recognize this which is good. However, the Democratic party leaders are doing little or nothing to oppose what is going on. They are providing a false solution to the current problems. So in my opinion the they are contributing to this autocratic or dictatorial control.
I can't stand these new Republicans, but why should I put my faith in the Democrats? All I have to do is look at at their voting history, and their weak stance against this administration. Your Democratic leaders are going along with everything this administration is doing.
You hit the nail on the head. The democratic party is filled with delusional wimps. Kerry's announced he'll be the democratic candidate in '08. Now, aside from the fact that I don't think even the democrats want to lose THAT badly, what the hell is wrong with him? He lost the last election - one in which a pet rock should have been able to defeat the incumbent. What makes him think he's winning material?
And you guys will note that in my other post in this thread, I didn't mention any party names. That's because while I despise what the Republicans are doing to the country, I also despise what the democrats are letting them do to the country.
We've frankly got a crowd of warmongering nutjobs running the place right now, and someone (ahem, maybe the opposing party?) should be standing up to it, but no one is. I'm a firm believer that it's just about as bad to watch wrongdoing without stopping it as it is to be the wrongdoer in the first place.
But I won't say the country's doomed just yet. Don't forget, we've had other winners in the whitehouse, and they didn't manage to kill off the country. Andy Jackson was certifiable, Nixon was a crook. Hell even John Adams, champion of liberty that he was pre-1776, went around as president having people arrested for treason and sedition just for speaking out against him.
Bush only has 3.5 years left. All the country has to do now is hunker down and hope he doesn't start world war 3 before someone with a little common sense can get in there and start us down the right path again.
Now before some in here start calling me a republican bashing liberal, I wanna make it clear that I think both sides have led the country in the wrong direction in the past. We as a country have gotten entirely too eager to mess around with other countries and their affairs. It's high time we figure out that the world does not want us to be their policeman, and even if they did, we don't have the resources. Clinton's little excursion to Somalia was no more justifiable than Bush's invasion of Iraq.
Our policy needs to be "we'll leave you alone if you leave us alone. But if you mess with us, we're gonna get even."
That's why I never criticized the attack on Afghanistan - -well. . I didn't until Bush got distracted by Iraq and forgot all about getting the guy that actually attacked us. Afghanistan was knowingly harboring terrorists that had directly hurt our country. There was no problem with going in there.
Iraq was not harboring terrorists, had no capability of harming us, and pretty much left us alone with the exception of the occasional childish insult hurled by Saddam. There was no reason to attack it other than Bush wanted to.
And not only did that damage our reputation in a BIG way world wide - - - now we're the country that invades and conquers people just because we're don't happen to like them - - -but it also brought sweeping consequences that Bush never considered - - or if he did consider them, he quickly pretended he hadn't so he could still have his little war.
Ever stop to wonder why the Pentagon wants to close all these bases? Some of 'em are really stupid bases to close - -the submarine base in connecticut for example. Have we not learned from Pearl Harbor? Don't put all your boats in one harbor unless you want to make them easier to destroy all at once. But the pentagon HAS to close them because they've run out of money - - and of course they're out of money because Bush & Co. forgot to consider that wars have to be paid for.
The short sightedness of this administration is appalling, but not surprising - - after all every company Bush ever touched wilted and died. Texas plunged into enormous debt when Bush took the reins. The man can't lead a kid to the crapper, and he's now in charge of the country.
And who's fault is that? The democrats. Sure, they were excused for his first term because for those four years we ceased being a constitutional republic, and instead became an oligarchy with a leader appointed by a council of judicial ministers. That wasn't their fault at all.
But this last election - - they threw it. Even staunch republicans admit that Kerry would have given Bush much more of a challenge if he'd just defended himself against Bush's attacks.
So the point of this long, drawn out post, is that both parties suck, but for different reasons. And until either a third party gets enough of a political foothold to count, or until the democrats wake up and start wanting to win again (hint, that means actually taking stands and saying what you believe in even if you think it might offend a few people. Hey, it worked for the republicans), it's gonna continue the way it's going now.