get the ip address that the router is assigning to the computer by going to start->run->winipcfg and selecting your network card from the drop down box
You will also need to know the gateway address that winipcfg gives you, this will be the ip of the router.
Open internet explorer and enter the ip address of the gateway(router). It should look something like
you will have to enter the username/password of the router into the authentication box (default for that box is admin/admin)
Click on the advanced tab, and then the first tab of the advanced page should eb filters.
enter the 4th digit group of the ip address that winipcfg gave you into the private ip range on both lines (eg. 192.168.1. 102 ~ 102)
scroll to bottom of page and hit apply.
this will only block internet access from the machine with the ip specified in the filter
WARNING: IP addresses are handed out by the router on a lease basis, so the IP address could change after a length of time. You could always set the win98 machine to a static address, but that my kiddies is for another post. PM me for more info on this router
I am not a vegetarian because I love animals; I am a vegetarian because I hate plants. -- A. Whitney Brown