I type to you from the honorable computing lab of the University of North Florida, having eaten an entire hand of bananas. This is my second week attending the university, having graduated from a community college that was relatively closer to my house. I commute once to school on Tuesdays and Thursdays and spend all day there (10:50 Am to 7PM) to cut down on fuel costs (a 45 minute drive). Then there is the food issue.
Last week was hamburgers and fries from Checkers. Tuesday was Crystals (think White Castle if you’re unfamiliar with them). Today its bananas (I’m sure it was some of your thoughts concerning the first line [/ bad pun]).
I want to save money on food (I’m sure on campus food costs an arm and a leg as will a resturant) while being away from my kitchen.
Fears of Jacksonville’s, hot summer weather keep me from keeping a lunch box in my car. The bananas faired well today, although one finger started to darken (black) at 4:30 PM. (They were slightly green at the base the day before and the fruit inside was fine upon peeling).
With hopes of backpacking in Europe after college, I see this as on opportunity to learn how to eat cheaply while away from home base.
As to why I didn’t eat breakfast at home this morning, I blame being out late and
Whole Wheat Bread