Ok, thanks to Redlemon's suggestion, I found another quiz on the belief-o-matic site... "What's Your Spiritual Type?"
And I loved the questions it was asking.
Here it is:
My results were:
What's Your Spiritual Type?
You scored 43, on a scale of 25 to 100. Here's how to interpret your score:
25 - 29 Hardcore Skeptic -- but interested or you wouldn't be here!
30 - 39 Spiritual Dabbler -- Open to spiritual matters but far from impressed
40 - 49 Active Spiritual Seeker – Spiritual but turned off by organized religion
50 - 59 Spiritual Straddler – One foot in traditional religion, one foot in free-form spirituality
60 - 69 Old-fashioned Seeker -- Happy with my religion but searching for the right expression of it
70 - 79 Questioning Believer – You have doubts about the particulars but not the Big Stuff
80 - 89 Confident Believer – You have little doubt you’ve found the right path
90 - 100 Candidate for Clergy
Yep! That's very accurate.
Some of the questions really made me think, and put how I was feel very well into words.