Originally Posted by Stompy
There were CERTAIN parts that you could probably nitpick like... Spoiler: his conversion to the darkside. One minute, after attacking Windu, he's yelling, "What have I done?!?" then 2 seconds later, "I will become your apprentice. Teach me what you know." It was very... swift. Although, you could tell at that point he was very conflicted with constantly being presented with the choice, "You can save Padme. This is your only chance."
Spoiler: I think at that point he still believed that he could win against papatine. like he said to padme, his plan was to save her and then kill palpatine to rule the universe with padme.
his final "break" point was when he heard the he killed padme, all hope for him was lost after that he was without willpower to resist.
"It seems to me that the idea of a personal God is an anthropological concept which I cannot take seriously. I also cannot imagine some will or goal outside the human sphere. Science has been charged with undermining morality, but the charge is unjust. A man's ethical behavior should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death
— Albert Einstein