Originally Posted by Lebell
I tend to agree with the article.
While she is right that the press gleefully stokes the fire, the problem is the fire.
I also agree with the article. Though I didn't get any sense that she implied the press "gleefully stokes the fire".
Originally Posted by filtherton
Newsweek prints an allegedly inaccurate story and supposedly pisses muslims off. The current administration starts a war based on faulty intelligence and exaggerated threats and obviously pisses muslims off. hmm. damn newsweek.
I wonder how there are so many people who can attribute deaths to a newsweek article yet completely deny even the notion that american foreign policy might have contributed to 9/11. Newsweek, solely through the power of the american press has the power and the sway to singlehandedly control muslim american relations, while apparently america's foreign policy has nothing at all to do with muslim american relations. Brilliant.
Well said.