I work in an office of about 70 people, only a handful of them are men. In the beginning, I noticed alot of people gossiping and I went along with it, I really wanted to fit in. I started feeling guilty about it, because most of the gossip was bad. I think the word "gossip" has a bad implication to it anyway, is there ever good gossip? There might be, but not here. So I stopped gossiping. Of course, now I don't talk to many of the people here, but I'd rather not talk then talk bad about someone without knowing all the real details. I hope I am making sense here. It is time for another cup of coffee.
I think what I was trying to say is that maybe women gossip to fit in. That is just an observation from my personal experience.
"Toughness is in the soul and spirit, not in muscles." ~Alex Karras