It's funny but I was listening to this song earlier today called Fatherland America:
Fatherland America
McDonald's land, America
Nazi scientists in US laboratories
paved the way for our democracy
Fascism and democracy
Now they go hand-in-hand
Yeah, now they go hand-in-hand--CHORUS
Fatherland America
Legoland America
For your freedom to be installed
They say that they'll take it away,
but only just for a little while
Yeah, only just for a little while
Only just for a little while
While I don't think America is a Facist state I do find it facinating how the political tactics of facist governments past can get adopted by democracies of today... In order for America or much of the West to go fully fascist there would have to be a civil war on a grand scale. It is much better to get your electorate to grant you increasing levels of power by legitimate means.
"My hands are on fire. Hands are on fire. Ain't got no more time for all you charlatans and liars."
- Old Man Luedecke