Originally Posted by fhqwhgads
I write with my right hand, but I do everything else left. This is because in school when I would pick up the pencil with my left hand, I was told that it was incorrect, and I was to use my right. Prolly why my handwriting was so screwy all these years. Damn fasicists.
Knowing your age, that truly surprises me that was done to you-parochial school by chance?
I am totally lefty. My grandmother used to tell my parents to change me, but they refused; my uncle was changed to using his right as a child back in the 30's. I am the only lefty in my family and both my children are righties. I couldn't teach them how to tie their shoes-spouse had to because I did it backwards. Scissors were never a problem-I just flipped their direction.
The nice thing about being the only lefty-I get the same spot at the family dinner table-the left end-so as not to elbow anyone while cutting my food.
Oh, and drawing and painting, since we are accustomed to seeing things left to right-I have to consciously remember to start on the right of a canvas or paper lest I end up with a fist covered in paint or smeared with mediums.