Originally Posted by pan6467
As sick as it sounds having typed all that a few days ago got me to face my problem. I went and had root canal today and it was really not that painful just very time consuming. I also had the dentist estimate how much it would take to fix my teeth.... $4135.
My questions for the dentist here are:
are root cleanings painful?
is sedation dentistry safe?
Kudos! Great that typing it out got you to do something about it. You'll be very happy that you did.
1) root canals themselves are seldom painful. The reason people associate a root canal with pain is the fact that you usually get a root canal done when you have an infection in the nerve. Infections hurt.
2) It is very safe if the dentist is trained in it which you need to be to get a licence. So yes, it is very safe. But I would ask the dentist if he is ACLS trained. You don't need to be but it would show extra commitment to safety.
3) At $4100 you better count your blessings. That is peanuts compared to what it would cost if you let things slide further.