no, you should absolutely not do it. And whether your mom is being misleading really isn't relevant. Now, that sounds weird, but here's why.
Let's say for the sake of argument that she's being totally honest and up front with you. She's been a lousy money manager apparently for her entire adult life. You bailing her out isn't gonna help her change that, and in fact it will encourage the behavior - - "the last time I charged all those nice things on my credit cards, my kid lent me $4,000. Why shouldn't I charge stuff again?"
Plus, if you lend that money to her, you might as well write it off, 'cause you'll never see it again. Let's look at the facts. She's in debt up to her eyeballs. She owes money to companies that can, and quite cheerfully will, ruin her life if she doesn't pay up. That's a VERY powerful incentive to pay them, yet she takes the money she should be paying them with and runs off to a casino with it.
You on the other hand aren't gonna send her to a collection agency, and you won't have any real ability to make her life miserable about it. If she won't be responsible enough to pay them, she certainly won't be responsible enough to pay you.