Blar, they already have, go play Eternal Darkness or RE4 and report back. I would also like to argue that adult gamers do not necessarly want blood and gore in every game they play. I think they should be/are looking for something fun, even if it means crazy things like Pikman, Animal Crossing, or Super Smash Bros.
That being said, I think Nintendo saying that their next system being only 2-3 times faster is being brutally honest. I don't buy Microsoft's and Sony's stats. I think to an extent they are pulled out of the ass. I think it's all a marketing ploy that both companies have pulled before. Personally I will wait until they show the goods. I want to see a functional game on each system. Then I want to see how fun it is. The graphics should always be secondary in my mind. Gameplay should always come first. Nintendo is usually a safe bet on this, but I find alot of fun games on the PS2 too.
A damn dirty hippie without the dirty part....