Popo - If you are currently living within your means right now, I'd suggest keeping the same lifestyle after you graduate until your student loans are paid off completely and your and your wife are free from debt. I know that probably isn't what you want to hear, but it'll be up to you to consider if getting out of debt quickly is worth the wait for the rewards for you. Even now, start saving up some money that you can pay your student loans down with when you need to begin repayment. If you are currently living on 90k a year, It'll take about 3 years or less for you and your wife to be debt free - and that's a hell of a lot of debt. Obviously, when the time comes, pay down the loans with the highest interest rates first, and make it a priority. If you and your wife are happy with your current lifestyle, I see no reason to add additional debt until you are debt free.
I have an aura of reliability and good judgement.
Just in case you were wondering...