I'm a lefty and I can say that because we live in a right-handed world, a lot of lefties end up learning to do one or several things right-handed: for instance, I bat, throw and shoot right-handed. I also use scissors right-handed, as it was just too hard to find left-handed scissors where I grew up. However, does that change the fact that my left hand IS my dominant hand? Nope. I still set the table backwards (which irritates the hell out of my right-handed family) and I'll never be able to write or eat right-handed.
Mainly we define handedness through the two biggies: which hand do they write and eat with? Usually, but not always, these are the same. If someone can write/eat equally well with both hands, they're ambidextrous. The key with ambidexterity is being able to do tasks EQUALLY well with both hands.
If I am not better, at least I am different. --Jean-Jacques Rousseau