actually, you *can* go for a week w/out real sleep, but your body will force you into 'microsleeps' lasting a few minutes or until you are awakened by something. After about 48 straight hours of no sleep, you really do lose motor control and your cognitive skills drop to a remarkably low level where they remain until you get *enough* sleep again. The funny part is that 8 hrs will generally have your body back in normal shape, but your body will probably want more sleep/rest, so your 26 hrs is not unusual. Another strange phenom is that a lot of special forces training is based around how to sleep w/out losing sense of your environment, but this type of sleep would leave you feeling not so refreshed...
interesting note about the 48 hrs of sleep relieving you of any responsibility of personal actions...
If you ever want some interesting reading or viewing, try to find some studies on sleep deprivation. the body is definitely strange about sleep