I can understand being upset when your particular ethnicity or whatever is targeted, and I can respect the "little guy" taking a dump on the media machine by having an impact via loss of ad revenue... but everyone is the butt of the jokes at some point.
Think about commercials here in america. White men are most often the goofiest, stupidest, most lazy, ignorant, etc., people you ever met in most of these commercials. Why? Because it's our turn. Because now that we've made fun of everyone else for a while, and they all decided that doing so any longer was unacceptable, the sights are now set on the white male. You can say ANYTHING you want about a white male, his personal sexual habits, his eating habits, his spending habits, anything- and not one person bats an eye, they're too busy laughing.
The point is, everyone has their run in the gauntlet. The best example is a comic I saw a few weeks ago. He was a black man, and telling jokes about black people- himself and his stereotypically-portrayed black friends. It was hilarious. I'd say the audience was less than 25% black people (who, to my witness, laughed just as hard at the "black jokes" as everyone else). Then he launched into a small bit about asians and "how they drive". The room's laughter response damn near cut in two. And he perks up, as it was expected, and says (with a large smile), "oh it was funny when i was telling the nigger jokes, but stay off the asians, I got it." Then he launched right back into some jokes about himself and his stereotypically-portrayed black friends and the laughter was full volume again. I found him after the show and shook his hand
It's sad that sometimes people can't understand the difference between racism and entertainment. I'm SO SURE they've NEVER done skits making fun of irish people, muslims, jews, stupid white men, british people, actors, actresses, janitors, doctors, the list goes on to infinity. I'm surprised these people are taking this situation in this manner.
EDIT: Oh- and just to add... i'm italian, and much of my family is from the new york area. I can't tell you how many times in my ENTIRE LIFE i've heard people do the "new york italian mobster" accent and treat every italian from new york like they're either a construction worker or in the mafia. Never once has it occurred to me to be offended by this. This isn't an issue of being PC to quell the masses, this is people being thin-skinned PC radicals.
Last edited by analog; 05-17-2005 at 10:00 PM..