IMO diversity training is pointless. I'm NEVER gonna convince a KKK member to like a black guy. Not happening.
A simple policy would take care of everything without the necessity for diversity training:
"You can hate minorites, gays, women, and anyone else you want, as long as you do it on your own time. Do it at work, and you're fired, no exceptions."
All this crap about trying to change attitudes isn't gonna happen. If someone grew up hating gays and spent their whole adult life hating gays, a few hours of some guy shoving diversity down his throat isn't gonna change his mind. And in fact it's probably gonna make him all the more set in his ways - - - when's the last time YOU responded well to being lectured to?
And then the training is also gonna piss off the rest of the employees - -the ones who already have no problem with diversity. I don't care if you're black, white, green, gay, straight, bi, or asexual. As long as you're a decent human being, you're OK in my book. So I get pretty pissed when I have to take a day away from what I'm supposed to be doing to go have some dink tell me to embrace diversity when I already do.