Originally Posted by greytone
I am no expert at base jumping, but it seems to me that an ideal base would not flare out at the base (you would have to have a standing lateral jump like a flea to clear the tower....If I remember correctly a flea can jump 30 times its own length). It also would not be an open structure with lots of beams to snag a parachute.
Ideally, a structure would look like the Space Needle. Regular skyscrapers can give you problems because of updrafts and crosscurrents. Somethign like the Eiffel Tower is for Grade-A idiots only. You would need to jump from near the top and wait quite a while (relatively speaking) before opening the 'chute to clear the structure. It sounds like this guy jumped way too low and didn't check for wind, because even a slight breeze can do a lot to a huge piece of cloth at that altitude.